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The Centre for Health Innovation (CHI), home of the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre (OICC), offers general health care for a diversity of chronic and acute health conditions delivered by a multidisciplinary team of caring, passionate and highly competent practitioners.
Le Centre d’Innovation en Santé, siège du Centre de Cancérologie Intégrative d’Ottawa, offre des soins de santé généraux pour une diversité de problèmes de santé chroniques et aigus dispensés par une équipe multidisciplinaire étonnante de praticiens attentionnés, et hautement compétents.
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Acupuncture & Traditional Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture is used within the framework of Traditional Oriental Medicine. Sometimes called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), TCM comprises medical acupuncture, botanical medicine, lifestyle counselling, massage, diet and exercise, with its own system of diagnosis. TCM uses this system to treat patients with a variety of conditions, including pain management, spasm and twitching, edema, allergies and asthma, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, integrative cancer care, and stress. The World Health Organization classifies TCM as a major complement to conventional medicine.
L'acupuncture est utilisée dans le cadre de la médecine orientale traditionnelle. Parfois appelée médecine traditionnelle chinoise (MTC), la MTC comprend l'acupuncture médicale, la médecine botanique, le conseil sur le mode de vie, le massage, l'alimentation et l'exercice, avec son propre système de diagnostic. TCM utilise ce système pour traiter des patients souffrant de diverses conditions, notamment la gestion de la douleur, les spasmes et les contractions, l'œdème, les allergies et l'asthme, les troubles du sommeil, les troubles digestifs, les soins intégratifs contre le cancer et le stress. L'Organisation mondiale de la santé classe la MTC comme un complément majeur à la médecine conventionnelle.
Chiropractic practice is a drug- free, manual approach to health care that focuses on the source of your pain and discomfort, not the symptoms. Chiropractic care can, therefore, achieve long-term relief as opposed to masking the symptoms. Chiropractors address disorders related to the spine, pelvis and extremity joints, as well as their effects on the nervous system.
During your initial consultation, the chiropractor will obtain a comprehensive history, assess your chief complaint, and provide you with a diagnosis of your condition. She will relate to you her prescribed treatment regimen and perform a treatment, if appropriate. Doctors of Chiropractic also recognize the value and responsibility of working in cooperation with other health care practitioners when in the best interest of the patient.
Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach
Andrea White is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC), passionate about supporting individuals on their health journey and offering a holistic approach to illness prevention and health restoration.
As a previous Canadian National 400m Hurdler, Andrea has always understood the power of the mind-body connection and nutrition and lifestyle factors to optimize outcomes and achieve athletic goals, and equally their connection to chronic ill-health & compromised quality of life.
Andrea trained through the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, in collaboration with the Institute for Functional Medicine. Passionate about maternal gut health and childhood nutrition, Andrea is additionally certified in Early Nutrition, able to offer coaching and support for the healthiest start at life, for both mother and child.
Andrea offers integrative and functional medicine health coaching consultations for a variety of health conditions. Andrea offers patients an opportunity to dig deeper into the root cause of their symptoms through the functional medicine approach to health and wellness. Through the CHI, Andrea works in conjunction with Dr. Junek, offering evidence-based health coaching techniques and lifestyle counselling (such as diet, exercise, and stress reduction), to support patients in implementing the necessary changes to manage and treat conditions such as IBS/IBD, anxiety/depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, hashimoto’s thyroiditis, menstrual or menopausal symptoms, and many other conditions.
Andrea aims to help facilitate change, using positive psychology to overcome the Intention-Behavior Gap—the gap between your goal and the day-to-day actions and habits that move you closer to that goal. Andrea’s approach to healing and coaching is a collaborative, client-led process. Together, realistic plans to reach your goals and regain your health will be established, and methods for accountability implemented so that success can be maintained
Counseling & Psychotherapy
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health affects how we think, feel, and act and also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is essential during every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Too often people do not consider the importance of their mental health and let this lapse. Our counselors have an amazing array of techniques and approaches to support improving and nourishing mental health.
La santé mentale comprend notre bien-être émotionnel, psychologique et social. La santé mentale influence la façon dont nous pensons, ressentons et agissons et aide également à déterminer comment nous gérons le stress, interagissons avec les autres et faisons des choix. La santé mentale est essentielle à chaque étape de la vie, de l'enfance à l'adolescence jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Trop souvent, les gens ne considèrent pas l'importance de leur santé mentale et laissent cela passer. Nos conseillers disposent d'un éventail de techniques et d'approches incroyable pour favoriser l'amélioration et le nourrissement de la santé mentale.
Craniosacral Therapy, Lymph Drainage Therapy & Reflexology
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle therapy that can be done fully clothed and with the client in any position that is restful and comfortable for them, making Craniosacral one of the most accessible forms of hands on therapy at any stage of wellness. This therapy works the body as a whole, including the brain, spinal cord, and cerebral spinal fluid - your craniosacral system. Practitioners use a very soft touch – their touch is generally no greater than the weight of a nickel. Craniosacral therapy works to calm the nervous system and ease tensions in the body, allowing your natural healing processes to work more effectively.
Craniosacral therapy can be helpful for a wide range of symptoms, including:
Migraine Headaches
Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Emotional Difficulties
Stress and Tension-Related Problems
Reflexology is a natural healing art based on applying varied pressure to reflex points on the feet and on the hands. These ‘reflex’ points correspond to different parts, glands, and organs of the body.
Through the application of gentle pressure, reflexology can help improve physical and emotional symptoms,
Research shows that reflexology can be helpful in a number of ways, including improvements in stress, anxiety, pain, fatigue and poor circulation.
La réflexologie est un art de guérison naturel basé sur l'application de pressions variées sur les points réflexes des pieds et des mains. Ces points «réflexes» correspondent à différentes parties, glandes et organes du corps.
Grâce à l'application d'une légère pression, la réflexologie peut aider à améliorer les symptômes physiques et émotionnels,
La recherche montre que la réflexologie peut être utile de plusieurs façons, notamment en améliorant le stress, l'anxiété, la douleur, la fatigue et une mauvaise circulation.
Hypnotherapy & Life Coaching
'Hypnosis Visualization' is a mind-body therapy designed to complement traditional treatments, by reducing the client's fears and anxieties, and to help them positively engage in their treatment. Hypnosis Visualization encompasses a focused mindset aided by positive lifestyle change in the form of diet and exercise.
Our Hypnosis Visualization Practitioner offers a professional and caring service, intended to compliment the treatments and protocols that you may already be involved with.
The Hypnosis Visualization approach will show you how stress both long-term and through recent major trauma can lower your immune system’s effectiveness and deter or diminish good health. Restoring your mindset (including your negative or fear based subconscious inner voices) to a more positive feeling can strengthen your immune system and have a positive effect on your recovery and your ongoing well-being.
This approach helps you to be a more active participant in your health and focus upon key areas that may need changing. One session will demonstrate the strength of this therapeutic approach. Many sessions will help you navigate the various challenges you face and take you deeper into that inner wisdom we all have, allowing you to produce the best possible level of well-being, balance and harmony you can.
'Life Coaching' helps you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles that may be holding you back, and then come up with realistic strategies and techniques for overcoming each obstacle. In creating these strategies, Life Coaching targets your unique gifts and skills. By helping you to make the most of your strengths, Life Coaching provides the support you need to achieve long-lasting change.
With Life Coaching, you are encouraged and empowered to listen to what your body is saying and develop awareness and confidence in changing towards a state of inner-peace and stress free living.
Our Life Coach uses a number of modalities depending upon the situation and the client, the intent with this approach is to help you tune into the messages that your stress is trying to reveal to you.
During the coaching process – you will learn valuable skills that you can apply through your entire life, training you in using bodily awareness and intuition techniques that can transmute your stress into guidance that will allow you to assert yourself and change your life for the better.
La "Visualisation Hypnotique" est une thérapie corps-esprit conçue comme complément pour les traitements traditionnels, en réduisant les peurs et les angoisses du client et pour l'aider à s'engager positivement dans son traitement. La visualisation de l'hypnose englobe un état d'esprit ciblé aidé par un changement de style de vie positif sous forme de régime et d'exercice.
Notre praticien en visualisation hypnotique offre un service professionnel et attentionné, destiné à compléter les traitements et protocoles auxquels vous êtes peut-être déjà impliqué.
L'approche de visualisationhypnotique vous montrera comment le stress, sois long terme ou suivi d'un traumatisme majeur récent, peut réduire l'efficacité de votre système immunitaire et dissuader ou diminuer une bonne santé. Restaurer votre état d'esprit (y compris vos voix intérieures négatives ou subconscientes basées sur la peur) à un sentiment plus positif peut renforcer votre système immunitaire et avoir un effet positif sur votre rétablissement et votre bien-être continu.
Cette approche vous aidera à être un participant plus actif envers votre santé et permettra de vous concentrer sur les domaines de votre bien-être que vous vouliez modifiés. Une séance démontrera la force de cette approche thérapeutique. De nombreuses séances vous aideront à naviguer les différents défis auxquels vous êtes confrontés et vous plongera plus profondément dans cette sagesse intérieure que nous avons tous, vous permettant de produire le meilleur niveau de bien-être, d'équilibre et d'harmonie possible.
Le «coaching de vie» vous aidera à clarifier vos objectifs, à identifier les obstacles qui peuvent vous retenir, et puis être proposer des stratégies et des techniques réalistes pour surmonter chaque obstacle. En créant ces stratégies, le coaching de vie cible vos dons et compétences uniques. En vous aidant à accéder la meilleure partie de vos forces, le coaching de vie vous apporte le soutien dont vous avez besoin pour réaliser un changement durable.
Avec le coaching de vie, vous êtes encouragé à écouter à ce que votre corps dit et à développer la conscience et la confiance nécessaires pour évoluer vers un état de paix intérieure et une vie sans stress.
Notre coach de vie utilise un certains nombres de modalités en fonction de la situation et du client; l'intention de cette approche est de vous aider à vous connecter aux message que votre stress à la capabilité de vous révéler.
Pendant le processus de coaching, vous apprendrez des compétences précieuses que vous pourrez appliquer tout au long de votre vie, en vous entraînant à l'utilisation de techniques de conscience corporelle et d'intuition qui peuvent transformer votre stress en conseils qui vous permettront de vous affirmer et de changer votre vie pour le meilleur.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health.
Massage therapy has a therapeutic effect on the body and optimizes health and well-being by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Our massage therapists support, maintain and improve physical function and work to relieve physical dysfunction, pain and the effects of stress.
La massothérapie consiste principalement d'une manipulation pratique des tissus mous du corps, en particulier des muscles, du tissu conjonctif, des tendons, des ligaments et des articulations dans le but d'optimiser la santé.
La massothérapie a un effet thérapeutique sur le corps et optimise la santé et le bien-être en agissant sur les systèmes musculaires, nerveux et circulatoires. Nos massothérapeutes soutiennent, maintiennent et améliorent la fonction physique et travaillent pour soulager le dysfonctionnement physique, la douleur et les effets du stress.
MD - Functional Medicine
Adrienne is passionate about providing high quality integrative care and uses a functional medicine approach to identify the root cause of illness and help further guide management. She treats all her clients as if they were her own family and friends and goes above and beyond to enable them to achieve optimal well-being through an integrative approach while providing an individualized therapeutic care plan. J
Naturopathic Medicine
Our naturopathic doctors (NDs) provide nutritional counselling, discuss dietary supplements and herbal medicines, lead our intravenous therapies, and provide complementary healthcare navigation within the CHI and to the larger community.
Our cancer care is not alternative to conventional cancer treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, but is complementary to these therapies.
For general care, our NDs can help with a variety of health issues including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, thyroid issues, male and female health and for many other conditions and health concerns.
To find more information about naturopathic medicine and supportive cancer care, please visit our website:
Please note that not all of our NDs speak French or treat children (< 18), please check our practitioner bios to see whom may best serve you.
Nos docteurs en naturopathie (ND) fournissent des conseils nutritionnels, discutent d'alimentation complémentaire et des plantes médicinales, dirigent nos thérapies intraveineuses et offrent une navigation complémentaire en matière de soins de santé au sein du CHI et de la communauté dans son ensemble.
Nos soins contre le cancer ne sont pas une alternative aux traitements conventionnels du cancer tels que la chirurgie, la chimiothérapie et la radiothérapie, mais sont complémentaires à ces thérapies.
Pour les soins généraux, nos ND peuvent aider avec une variété de problèmes de santé, y compris les maladies cardiovasculaires, le diabète, les maladies auto-immunes, les problèmes de thyroïde, la santé masculine et féminine ainsi que pour de nombreuses autres conditions et problèmes de santé.
Pour en savoir plus sur la médecine naturopathique et les soins de soutien contre le cancer, veuillez visiter notre site Web:
Veuillez noter que nos médecins spécialistes ne parlent pas tous en français et ne traitent pas tous les enfants (<18). Veuillez consulter nos biographies de praticiens pour voir qui pourrait vous servir le mieux.
Nurse Practitioner - Integrative Care
A Trauma-Informed Approach:
This type of care is extremely important as it takes into account a persons complete life situation. It informs all the care the client will have from the centre and focus is on healing from the client’s perspective. It helps clients to feel engaged, validated, as well as improving their adherence to treatments and health outcomes. In turn by being more thorough it helps to reduce costs to both the health care system and client as it is not a band-aid type of medicine.
The Four R’s of trauma informed care include :
Realizing the widespread impact of trauma and understanding pathways for recovery;
Recognizing the sings and symptoms in patients, families and staff;
Responding to trauma in an informed way and
Resisting Re-traumatization.
Nurse Practitioners (NPs) work much like a Medical Doctor (MD), providing the following services that an MD would, including comprehensive assessments, diagnosis, ordering laboratory/diagnostic tests, prescribing medications and referring to a specialist when necessary.
Carrie Whittley is a Nurse Practitioner and has been working with client’s that have experienced trauma for over 20 years. She is experienced in trauma-informed gynecological exams as well as working with clients that have experienced many different types of assault including physical, emotional and sexual. She is easy to talk to, non-judgmental and has a great deal of compassion when working with clients. Carrie is able to address specific needs such as sexual health, women’s health and many different aspects of Mental health that face us in today’s extremely busy lifestyle.
Lisa is curious and loves learning. She has studied reiki, therapeutic touch and is certified as a hatha yoga instructor. She is presently taking the foundational clinical course at the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) solidifying her knowledge of lifestyle medicine, and expanding her clinical knowledge of functional medicine. Applying these principles which addresses root causes of illness and disease she will focus on understanding your lifestyle (sleep, nutrition, movement, stress management) and its impact on your health and quality of life. She will incorporate health coaching and actively listen to help you identify your specific health goals and support you to make realistic behavior changes to improve your health and wellness. She wants her clients to leave appointments engaged, clear on next steps and feeling hopeful about their health.
Nurse Practitioner - Functional Medicine
Nurse Practitioners (NPs) work much like a Medical Doctor (MD), providing the following services that an MD would, including comprehensive assessments, diagnosis, ordering laboratory/diagnostic tests, prescribing medications and referring to a specialist when necessary. Our Nurse Practitioners come from a nursing background with an emphasis on a holistic approach to care and provide a bridge between the medical establishment and our integrative care.
Jamie and Carolyn are passionate about providing high quality integrative care and use a functional medicine approach to identify the root cause of your symptoms and help further guide management. They treat all their clients as if they were their own family and friends and go above and beyond to enable them to achieve optimal well-being through an integrative approach while providing an individualized therapeutic care plan. Jamie specializes in primary care and has a special interest in mental health, cannabis, pain management, nutrition, irritable bowel syndrome and digestive health. She strives to empower and advocate for her clients in order for them to achieve their optimal well-being. Jamie is very resourceful and if she doesn't know the answer she is sure to go looking for it through further collaboration and consultation with other health care providers.
Inspired by her own health recovery, Carolyn is passionately committed to guiding her patients toward achieving their best health. Integrating Functional, Lifestyle, and Conventional Medicine, she enables patients to discover their path to wellness and vitality. Embark with Carolyn on your path to a brighter and healthier tomorrow! Carolyn has experience with hormone health issues (mainly women, but see men as well), cardio/metabolic issues, gut health, and auto-immune/allergy.
Les infirmières praticiennes (IP) travaillent très similairement à un médecin (MD), elles fournissent les mêmes services qu'un MD, comprenant et n'étant pas limité à des évaluations complètes, pose de diagnostic, réquisitions de tests de laboratoire / diagnostiques, la prescription de médicaments et la référence vers un spécialiste au besoin. Nos IP sont des infirmières enregistrées qui se sont spécialisées dans une approche holistique des soins, elles incorporent une prises en charge globale du patient en s'appuyant sur les traitements médicaux existants.
Jamie et Carolyn ont à coeur de fournir de soins intégrés de haute qualité et utilisent une approche de médecine fonctionnelle pour identifier la cause profonde de vos symptômes et ainsi mieux orienter votre prise en charge. Elles apportent une attention particulière à chacun d'entre vous, prenant soin de traiter chacun comme si vous étiez un membre de leur famille. Leur approche holisitque vous aide à atteindre un bien-être optimal grâce à votre plan de soins individualisé.
Jamie se spécialise dans les soins primaires et a un intérêt particulier pour la santé mentale, le cannabis, la gestion de la douleur, la nutrition, le syndrome du côlon irritable et la santé digestive. Elle s'efforce de responsabiliser et de défendre ses patients afin qu'ils atteignent leur bien-être optimal. Jamie est très débrouillarde et si elle ne connaît pas la réponse, elle ne manquera pas de la chercher en collaborant et en consultant d'autres fournisseurs de soins de santé.
Carolyn, inspirée par sa guérison personnelle, est engagée dans soutenir ses patients dans la meilleur prise en charge pour atteindre une santé optimale. À travers la médecine conventionnelle et les soins intégrés, elle guide ses patients sur le chemin du mieux être et de la vitalité. Rejoingnez Carolyn pour des lendemains plus lumineux. Carolyn a developpé, entre autre, une expertise dans la prise en charge hormonale des femmes et des hommes, des troubles cardiaques et métaboliques, la santé des intestins, la prise en charge des maladies auto-immunes et des allergies.
Nutritional Support and Meal Planning
Jessica Thibault studied at the Edison Institute of Nutrition & received a diploma in Holistic Nutrition with first class honors. She is a Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner with IONC. The term "Ortho" means right which is combined with molecular to create the term "right molecule". Jessica has a focus on supporting the body & mind through nutrition for optimal health. Her focus is on supporting any individual nutritional through addition instead of restriction. She believes it's important to support the body & mind which is why she believes in this approach to create a safe place for all. She believes that physical & mental health are equally important & that nutrition can have a great impact on both. She wants to provide a safe place for everyone & for that reason she believes in addition instead of restriction.
Manual osteopathy is a holistic, hands-on healthcare discipline focused on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues and improving overall well-being.
Manual osteopaths use a range of non-invasive techniques, including soft tissue manipulation, joint mobilization, cranial sacral therapy, and muscle energy techniques, to address imbalances and dysfunctions in the body. Their goal is to restore structural harmony, enhance mobility, reduce pain, and promote the body’s natural healing processes. By addressing the root causes of discomfort, manual osteopathy supports overall health and helps prevent future issues. This gentle and personalized approach makes it suitable for individuals of all ages and health conditions.
Please book an initial session, along with three 60 minutes follow ups session, each one week apart. This is recommended to ensure you have follow up appointments reserved without any delay to treatment. Should your practitioner recommend a different treatment plan, you will be advised at the first appointment.
Veuillez réserver une séance initiale, ainsi que trois séances de suivi de 60 minutes, espacées d’une semaine chacune. Cela est recommandé pour s’assurer que vous avez des rendez-vous de suivi réservés sans aucun retard dans le traitement. Si votre praticien recommande un plan de traitement différent, vous en serez informé lors de la première séance.
Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy is a body centered, holistic one-on-one therapy, which addresses a client’s unique physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges and needs.
Sometimes, after a cancer diagnosis, or in other cases of grave disorders, there is a profound depth of shock, or the tendency to be in a highly stimulated state (fight or flight) or completely shut down (freeze or faint). Anxiety, insomnia and fatigue are often constant companions.
Through a deep understanding of human suffering and how the body requires and responds to human connection, generous listening and certains form of practice (breath, movement and meditation), Yoga Therapy compassionately accompanies and supports people. This type of care, distinct from Yoga itself, is provided by two experienced and trained therapists can help patients to breathe, find agency and stay present in their lives.
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